Author: Rainer Ganahl --- Date: 11/01/95--- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC

Mike Kelly
Metro Pictures
150 Greene St.
(212) 925-8335
Oct. 21 - Nov. 25

Do we always have to like an entire show? And should we necessarily deal with something we have been offered many times before and maybe too often? But in this show by Mike Kelly one outstanding piece surprised. It was centered in the middle of the gallery and took most of the space: "Educational Complex" is a work made up of architectural models of all the schools the artist attended in his life. But unlike an architect he rebuilt the models the way he imagined them without the help of any plans. The models of these schools were added next to each other and cover the size of a huge table. No color, just in white, with openings that give a view into the buildings. One building can also be viewed from the basement: a mattress is lying there under the model suggesting that there is another entrance as well. It is a surprising way to come to terms with educational institutions that so often turned out to be nightmares for most of us. Private history, memory and architecture are well combined and offer an unexpected view of this artist who so often tends to erase himself through too many lubricated reproductions of his creative tricks.

-Rainer Ganahl

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