Author: Gerard Hovagimyan --- Date: 10/25/95 --- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC


ALL THE NEWS, ALL THE TIME is the catchphrase for 1010 WINS am radio here in New York. Of course, everyone knows the impossibilty of that statement, yet with the advent of the world wide web, netsurfers REALLY DO HAVE access to all the news, all the time.

At THE THING'S new website a newsroom has been put up offering links to newspaper websites from around the world. Originally conceived as an installation work by artists Peter Fend with Greg Lehman and George Chaikin. THE NEWSROOM has been shown in galleries here and in Europe. The virtual site gives the browser a similar environment. Newspapers from Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Central and South America, and the US can be read online. Information as a constanly fluid object is the name of the game. The prejudices and societal discourses are revealed by reading between the lines.

This item from the ZAMBIA POST in Africa: A Lusaka man is unable to answer the call of nature or use his hands after his buttocks and hands were scalded with boiling water by a man who accused him of being a thief. Obbie Mfungwe, 23 was "burnt" last week Saturday after a man he identified as Chimuka accused him if stealing a radio cassette and worked with a Kabwata police officer to torture him....

There's also a media list offering e-mail addresses for all the papers with electronic access. You can send a letter to the editors anywhere in the world. The traditional filters of broadcast media are irrelevant. The world is in the ecstasy of communication.

Email: ThingReviews

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Darryl Erentzen --

Just testing my script. The NEWSROOM is a cool idea.