Author: Sante Scardillo --- Date: 11/12/95--- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC

Francois Guye
Cello Recital
Swiss Cultural Institute
495 Broadway, NYC
Oct. 26

With the first movement of the first piece, Suite No. 3 in C major BMV 1009, I felt my head opening and my mind taking off and carrying me to a different place. Rarely have I experienced such ecstatic trance. The playing was exceptional, but not for long: with the second movement I returned to earth and started thinking about love delusions and other earthy pursuits. The rest of the all Bach Cello Suites concert was excellent and it is no easy feat to spellbind a discerning audience of 150 with just one musician. But the sublimity of the first movement was not repeated. Afterwards, I heard Guye describing the program as causing an emotional response that spans many human experiences, which ranks with what I felt. Such concerts in the heart of Soho are a fantastic idea, even though trucks provided incidental accompaniment to the soloist.

-Sante Scardillo

see also:
(Sante Scardillo: Me, as a critic, -vs- Me, as an artist )

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