Peter Fend
SKIP ARNOLD is the Christ figure of the art world.
He dies (a little each day, at the Gramercy Art Fair) for your sins.
By sins we mean the architectural error of having unhealthful water. Leon Batista Alberti, in his books on architecture, said that a sine qua non in any City was Clean Air, Clean Water, Clear Space.
But Skip Arnold will take a shower all day, every day, for the duration of the Gramercy Art Fair, with New York City's water supply. A supply which, with that exposure, is more toxic than clean.
We pray for you, Skip.
And because of your physical example, up there doing what Bill Viola never dared to do, we will try to make a much better fresh city water supply--not just for now, but forever.
Email: ThingReviews
skippy is a nut, truly and dedicated, down to his shoes. he has no choice but to do the things he does. I know.
A little board Skip?