Author: Rainald Schumacher
--- Date: 05/20/96
--- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC
Shred Sled Symposium
An Exhibition of Skateboard Graphics
Curated by Aaron Rose
Thread Waxing Space
May 11 - June 15
The show has everything of a quite hip event. The walls of the exhibition
place are painted in different colors. It gives you the impression some fashion
designers could use this palette for a new collection for fall 97. But not only
the colors, also the graphics and structures on the skateboards are a huge source
for designing fabrics and trendy looking surfaces.
The opening evening featured a fashion show, too, absolutely fabulous in it's
charming unprofessional catwalk style. Five outfits by five designers ( Built by Wendy,
Pixie Yates, Gigi Goo, Cake, & Nymph) were presented to an unusual young and fancy
crowd. Something you are missing in the most art exhibitions. Beside that, it's just
fun to fall in love with all the creativity and energy you can see there, in these
paintings and drawings on an unusual format.
-Rainald Schumacher
Email: ThingReviews
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Robert Reitzfeld -- bvrtz@aol.com
Rainald, Please contact me. I've lost your number. Robert.
schmeg -- earl@buttlick.com
looks like there was some serious pussy there! I like that bitch in the white dress