Author: ricardo dominguez --- Date: 3/28/97 --- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC


A Film by David Cronenberg

a review by

ricardo dominguez

"Maybe the next one. Maybe the next one."
----J Ballard

"CRASH . . . is a religious masterpiece."
----Bernardo Bertolucci

CRASH drives over desire and leaves it a wreck-work nolonger to be mourned. In this techno-porno space only the cars carry on the process of thanatos and eros--the flesh itself is a parasite that goes along for the ride dreaming of the moment when it can become a perfect perforation. Cronenberg continues his surgical exploration of the West's psychoplasmic need for an uncanny re-alignment of the body and the machine--this is one his best films on the issue, in recent years. VIDEODROME, still, remains his most perfect magnum opus on the question of the New Flesh.

The film also recalls other elements of his earlier works, such as SHIVERS, in his analysis of collective liberation through anarchic pathologies which attempt to break open states of social repression. In the 70's the repression was bound to the alienation-effect of materialist culture--but in the 90's the state of repression is bound up in the culture of de-materialization. In CRASH sexuality is dis-placed by the rituals of the road accident, by a drive to engender on the surface of the body new organs, protusions, and slits, that will allow speed to carve the body open by the side of the road--for all to see. In CRASH the society of speed dreams of becoming virtual road kill--just like James Dean, Mansfield, or JFK. The "Project" that they all are seeking to complete is the same dromological project that the Futurist began at the start of the century. CRASH is the refinement of performance art and technology as our vanishing point.

This drive to create and re-create the "fertilizing accident" is framed by Cronenbreg in a stark dreamlike tone of fetish repetitions--of an entropic narrative of cars, fucking, and bloody enervations--rennacted again and again. The characters are nothing more than somnambulist parasites in a hyperstate of subtraction. The only element of desire that remains in this world is the movement of machines seeking disintergration in a state of hysteria. All these automoblies want only one thing-- to get rid of the infections that crawl in the hollows on their being-in-speed.

ricardo dominguez

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orfeu --

bullshit.awful film.


I have finally ended up at a crash site! Somebody predicted that's where i would end up. I am not into accidents pain etc but I fuck cars on a regular basis (amongst other interesting activities all legal ;-) I really wnat to meet anothere guy or girl who feels and probably does the same. Please help me. 32 solid hopurs on the internet and no-one can help yet.


I have finally ended up at a crash site! Somebody predicted that's where i would end up. I am not into accidents pain etc but I fuck cars on a regular basis (amongst other interesting activities all legal ;-) I really wnat to meet anothere guy or girl who feels and probably does the same. Please help me. 32 solid hopurs on the internet and no-one can help yet. I have not seen it yet by the way so I will not comment. It is similar in some bits from what I here to me but the accident bit is definitaly not me. I cannot COMPLAIN ABOUT OTHERS SO I WON't