Author: Wolfgang Staehle --- Date: 03/29/96 --- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC

World Market
Update, Copenhagen
Daniel Knorr
March 22, 1996 - April 27, 1996

The invitation read: "Daniel Knorr and Christopher Gamble invite you to assist in an international deal on Friday, March 22, 1996 at the World Trade Institute located at One World Trade Center, 55th Floor West."

After clearing several checks with rather confused security guards, I finally made my way to the 55th floor of the World Trade Center and found Messrs. Knorr and Gamble in the video conferencing room of the World Trade Institute. They were connected via ISDN live video to the Update exhibition space in Copenhagen. Mr. Gamble, a street panhandler from the Lower East Side, was happily devouring the rest of his take-out chicken, while Mr. Knorr handed him three dollars in cash for a used coffee mug he had just sold to a Danish client. A few days later I talked with Daniel Knorr, an artist born in Bucharest, Romania, now living in New York.

WS: What was this deal about, Daniel?

DK: Well, I wanted to open up the market for Christopher, so I sent his inventory to this show in Copenhagen.

WS: More multi-kulti artstuff puffery?

DK: Nope. Not really, but they are the "Cultural Capital" of Europe this year, so I thought they could use a flea market.

WS: What items did the Danes go for?

DK: An American passport went for ten bucks, an old Brooklyn streetmap for 15, and they also stole an empty Tiffany jewelry box.

WS: I saw a copy of Marshall Blonsky's "American Mythologies" go for 5 Dollars.

DK: Semiotics still sells in Europe.

WS: The market seemed more upbeat in Copenhagen than on First Avenue and Houston. Don't you think?

DK: Yeah, people not only offered money, but also kisses, their own pictures and other dirty stuff. I think they thought they are on TV.

WS: Did you guys make money?

DK: I didn't, but Chris made $200 in three hours.

WS: Why didn't you declare it an artwork and charged a premium?

DK: This comes later.

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Nige Smith --

Yo Dude! Glad to see you're doing some work for once! Sounds really cool - but hey - anything that rips the Danes off is good. Hang loose, stay cool ..... ADMIT NOTHING! Nige.

daniel knorr -- under the brooklyn bridge

hi Nige !Thanks for check in kid! My e-mail is under construction,getting the bricks,B. 'know what I'm saying. End of april I'm comming for the next project in Munich. see you on a real augustiner.keep tropical admit nothing but cash and keep the flow...

sabiha --

YO Danyboy!!! Here I am surving the net and checking out your last work! COOL I like it. I heared you will be comming to Munich soon so I see you then. Or alternatively you could send me an Email that would shurely lighten up my day . So keep cool and check it out! Bye Sabiha

sabiha --

YO Danyboy!!! Here I am surving the net and checking out your last work! COOL I like it. I heared you will be comming to Munich soon so I see you then. Or alternatively you could send me an Email that would shurely lighten up my day . So keep cool and check it out! Bye Sabiha