Author: Serge Khripoun --- Date: 03/18/96 --- Copyright: ThingReviews NYC

DejaVu by Vladimir Fridkis
Curator Elena Selina

Moscow art community plays now the latest game - the biggest group photo ever. Vladimir Fridkis, leading design and fashion photographer, launches an ambitious project with XL Gallery to be presented at the Month of Photography this April. Artists, critics, gallery owners, curators, journalists, models and groupies, some with their children and pets - all who make art life swirl - come these days to Fridkis's studio where he 'shoots 'em all'. Within two weeks the game will turn into a forty-something-yard line in one of Moscow's central exhibition halls. Soon the photos could be available here at The Thing. The line is made of many parts, three to six persons each, and one may mix them in every way to get one's own puzzle of what Moscow contemporary artworld could be.

Serge Khripoun

Email: ThingReviews

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Wolfgang Staehle --

Serge! Thanks for the report from Moscow. We are curious to learn more about the Moscow art scene.


Wolfgang --

Serge, there is a Louis Fridkis trying to find out more about Vladimir Fridkis. His email is:

Randy Fridkis --

I'm wondering if Vladimir is related to our family, the name (to the best of my knowledge) is of Russian descent. Please reply. Randy